Eastern European Friendship Group

Build a bright future as New Yorkers while celebrating our global heritage



We seek to develop relationships with Eastern European Cultural Centers and participate in their cultural events. We foster the long Eastern European tradition of women active in math, science, and engineering, by mentoring the girls to pursue and succeed in such fields. We support the girls in extending their knowledge about Eastern European cultures by connecting with Eastern European schools and Eastern European communities in New York City. We advance a high commitment to find mentors willing to build lasting relationships with the group’s members. We foster integrity, trust, and friendships across all cultures by encouraging a positive and joyful outlook towards youth growth, social development, and their emotional well-being.    



1. What does empowerment mean to you? (visit the NYC Historical Society)

2. What does being strong mean to you? ( Create a digital product )

3. What does being gracious mean to you? (Eastern European painters at MOMA)

4. What does being purposeful mean to you (Getting to know Madame Curie, the first woman scientist who won the Nobel prize)

5. What does it mean to you to be grounded in your roots?

6. What is your message to the world? (Create a podcast to share with the world the message of girls empowerment, purpose, and your experience as a multicultural girl growing up in New York City)


Eastern European Friendship Group is developed by educators working for the New York City Department of Education under the auspices of Girls Empowerment Initiatives at the Office of Field Support and it branched out from the Girls Empowerment Movement (GEM), an initiative started in 2015 by Brooklyn South Borough Field Support Center. Eastern European Friendship Group launched in September 2017 with 50 students from New York City public schools. 


— Eastern European Friendship Group, 2017-2018

 The group builds awareness and pride for Eastern European heritage by promoting cultural understanding and providing mentorship for immigrant girls in New York City public high schools. Girls learn about their Eastern European cultural heritage and its strong emphasis on math, science, and engineering, and are inspired to achieve the American Dream through academic success and community involvement.

Program Overview

Eastern European Friendship Group builds connections through cultural understanding and mentorship for New York City public schools immigrant girls in grades 6-12. The group supports the girls to learn about, embrace, and promote their Eastern European cultural heritage and its strong tradition in math, science, and technology, while aspiring to achieve the American Dream through academic success and community involvement.

What Do We do?

  • Visit museums and other cultural institutions in New York City

  • Participate in events organized and sponsored by Eastern European Cultural Consulates

  • Involve the students in Community Leadership Projects and guide them through the process

  • Connect with students in Eastern European Countries and Eastern European Communities in New York City

How Does the Program Work?

This is a voluntary activity lead by DOE employees

  • The group is open to students citywide and the meetings take place at cultural institutions and DOE buildings around the city.

  • Recruiting students is done through: 

    • District Offices, Principals, and Parent Coordinators

    • Field Support Community Coordinators

    • Community and faith-based organizations  

  • Recruiting mentors is done through:

    • Community and faith-based organizations  

    • STEM Companies

    • Department of Education

Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people can transform the world!

Student Membership

The group extends the invitation for participation to immigrant Girls from Eastern European countries and their friends. The requirement is to have a real desire to learn more about Eastern European cultures and be involved in a minimum of 80% of the activities organized by the group.  



Why Would I join the Program as a Student?

The group creates a fun and supportive environment where participants learn about their heritage, expend their creativity and artistic awareness of all artistic forms and literature from their countries of origin, learn more about embracing carriers in STEM, or simply spend time with peers and mentors who share their passion for their heritage. The group provides high-quality enrichment experience while providing the girls with plenty of guidance to become successful New Yorker. The program is free of charge.

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Get Involved

There are two ways to get involved:

Sign up for the program as a student

Volunteer as a mentor


Sign Up For the Program

Volunteer opportunities